"Instituto Araguaia in Brasil has been a partner for biological conservation of the Frankfurt Zoological Society since 2012. Led by their president Dr Silvana Campello and Executive Director George Georgiadis, Instituto Araguaia gives crucial support to the protection of Cantao State Park and its endangered wildlife such as jaguar, giant otter and river dolphins. To learn more about the giant otters in Cantao and evaluate the field work of Instituto Araguaia I visited their field base in the park in 2013. I was impressed by their professional and dedicated team and the scientific approach of their programme. The long-term monitoring and survey of the population dynamics of giant otters inside Cantao State Park is outstanding and a unique programme in Brasil."
- Dr. Christof Schenck | Director, Frankfurt Zoological Society
"Rainforest Trust has been partnering with Instituto Araguaia since 2017. Together we have been able to protect Cerrado habitat, an area with the highest biodiversity in Central Brazil. We applaud Instituto Araguaia's efforts in protecting this unique ecosystem and endangered species like the Kaempfer's Woodpecker and Giant Otter." - Rainforest Trust
"I have been following the Instituto Araguaia‘s giant otter research and conservation programs closely for the past six years and I have personally visited Cantao twice. The Cantao Park is one of the hotspots for giant otters in Brazil and the only area in Central Brazil where they receive strict protection. The accomplishments of Instituto Araguaia in Cantao are valuable and impressive. We give them our full support so they may continue and expand their programs for years to come."
- Dr Nicole Duplaix, FLS, FRGS | Co-Chair, IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group | Senior Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife Department, Oregon State University
A Fundação Grupo Boticário acredita que conhecer e manter áreas naturais e suas espécies em equilíbrio é o meio mais efetivo para conservar a biodiversidade. Assim, apoiamos iniciativas de Instituições preocupadas e comprometidas com essa linha de pensamento, como é o caso do Instituto Araguaia. Parceiros desde 2013, apoiamos projetos do Instituto alinhados à nossa missão de promover e realizar ações de conservação da natureza, visando proteger o nosso patrimônio natural, garantir maior resiliência, contribuir com o desenvolvimento econômico e proporcionar maior qualidade de vida para a sociedade. Parabenizamos o Instituto Araguaia pelo trabalho perene que desenvolve em prol da conservação da natureza. Esperamos que nossa parceria continue a alcançar excelentes resultados!
Grupo Boticário Foundation believes that knowing and maintaining natural areas and their species in balance is the most effective way to conserve biodiversity. Thus, we support initiatives by institutions concerned and committed to this line of thought, as is the case of Instituto Araguaia . Partners since 2013, we support Institute projects in line with our mission to promote and carry out nature conservation actions, aiming to protect our natural heritage, ensure greater resilience, contribute to economic development and provide a better quality of life for society. We congratulate Instituto Araguaia for the perennial work it does for nature conservation. We hope that our partnership will continue to achieve excellent results! ”
It has been a delight collaborating with Instituto Araguaia in their efforts to conserve this important area of Brazil on the ecotone of the Cerrado and Amazon. We are consistently impressed by the professionalism and dedication that everyone at Instituto Araguaia brings to their work. The team at Instituto Araguaia are top notch and we are honored to partner with them on bird conservation efforts.
- Amy Upgren | American Bird Conservancy
“Our friends at Institute Araguaia are heroes to those of us at Global Wildlife Conservation, and not only because of their recent incredible and tireless efforts to fight off the worst fire in Cantão State Park’s history, set illegally by people. For two decades their team has been protecting one of the most irreplaceable and special places on our planet, where the lush tropical forests annually become underwater oases and home to amazing animals like Giant River Otters and Pink Dolphins. We are impressed by Instituto Araguaia's tenacity in the face of growing threats and a complex political landscape, and by their commitment to ensuring a thriving, healthy planet.”
- Wes Sechrest } CEO and Chief Scientist, Global Wildlife Conservation
“Yorkshire Wildlife Park is proud to be involved in the conservation of the endangered giant otter. As well as the ex situ programme we support in situ conservation projects and Instituto Araguaia is one of the most proactive conservation projects within the giant otters natural range. Instituto Araguaia is not only protecting this incredibly fragile habitat for giant otters in Brazil but conserving all the other endemic and endangered species found in this ecosystem. Without Instituto Araguaia this region would have been lost and we would have lost the giant otter too”.
- Simon Marsh | Animal Collections Manager, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, UK.
“With great enthusiasm Zoo Dortmund supports Instituto Araguaia. The Zoo Dortmund houses many species of the South American Fauna. Next to the giant anteaters, the giant otters are one of our flagship species. Therefore, is it a personal matter of ours to support and promote research facilities and scientists in South America. It was possible for me to visit Cantão twice. I was impressed by the biodiversity and the excellent work on site. Silvana, George and their team work at the Cantão State Park conservation with great commitment. Their „in situ“ work is really important. The preservation of our nature and environment is key for our survival.”
- Ilona Schappert | Diplom Biologin Stv. Zoodirektorin / Deputy Director EEP / ISB Keeper Giant Anteater, Dortmund Zoo
Nicola e Gille Labourdette - Julho de 2015
Un passage a Cantao
Une arrivée fracassante dans un canoë a moteur, a portée de voix du Cerrado
Nous dépose dans un paradis sur terre, au confluent de la rivière Coco
A l'est l'état du Tocantin, a l'ouest l'état de Para et ses hautes forets et le Mato Grosso
Au sud ouest et son Pantanal, voila oú nous sommes, bon début de scénario.
Ici nous sommes dans des bungalows, uniquement fait de bois tombé, entouré par des geckos
Qui nous regardent au travers des moustiquaires comme au zoo.
Le matin départ au lever du soleil, a la recherche des merveilles de ces eaux,
La loutre géante, animal pouvant mesurer 2 mètres, et jouant a cache-cache avec l'appareil photo.
Le dauphin rose de l'Araguaia, nouvelle espèce découverte en 2014, c'est bon pour l'ego
Traqué par Julia et son dirigeable a 75 mètres marqué du splendide logo
Instituto Araguaia , pour compter et recompter les dauphins a la video.
Puis c'est le retour à la base pour déguster la magnifique cuisine de Divina, et ses gâteaux
Sous l'oeil toujours intéressé de Rosinha, le perroquet au trois vies, fantastico.
La sieste est de rigueur, dans le hamac à l'air ou sur le lit, la décompression sans textos.
Avant un nouveau départ pour marquer des poissons, randonnée à pied ou en canot,
Avant la douche et enfin la récompense suprême, George caipirinha apéro.
Egayé de son récit de 6 semaines dans la jungle pour rejoindre la civilisation, un héros.
Ou ton retour d'Irkoukz dans un Tupolev rempli de 900 personnes, et 4 barjos
Ici c'était le pays d'une légende qui a fait 2 émissions de télévision sur sa vie, SR Gato,
Ermite du vingtième siècle, inconnu des autorités, mais intarissable sur Cantao.
Reconverti dans la vente de hamacs, couverture et autres cadeaux.
Ici nous touchons a l'écologie avec un grand E, et non à nos charlatans d'écolos,
Toujours prêts a vouloir sauver le monde, mais pas sur le terrain, de leur bureau.
Ici nous faisons machinalement pour ne pas écraser une fourmi, un pas de tango
Bye A notre grenouille qui vit dans les toilettes, et que nous évitons de faire partir dans le tuyau,
Ici une famille vit en harmonie avec l'environnement, en essayant de la comprendre, avec brio,
Jour après jour, année après année, à se faire admettre, sans jamais traumatiser les animaux,
Des chercheurs du monde entier viennent faire leur thèse, ici, où il n'y a pas de sono,
Mais du wifi, et le calme de l'Amazonie et sa sagesse, uniquement dérangé par le bruit de l'eau.
Ici le Jaguar est un prédateur redouté, plus que notre Jaguar V12 biturbo,
Nous n'avons pas tout vu, tapir, marsh deer, jaguar, fourmilier géant ou autre armadillo.
C'est sur avec Nicola, nous sommes devenus des aficionados.
Nous reviendrons, vous voir toi Silvana et George, magnifique duo,
Entouré de toute votre équipe, Juarez, Divina, Benaya, Gilldeon, Railton, S Vania, ou Marquinho
Pour ce travail ils sont bien plus forts que Neymar junior ou Ronaldinho.
Merci pour votre formidable accueil, vous êtes des hôtes merveilleux et passionnés, bravo.
Merci de nous faire vivre toutes vos anecdotes, de vos différentes vies, vive Cantao
A passage in Cantao (Translated)
A fabulous arrival in a motorized canoe, surrounded by the Cerrado's voice. We drop in a paradise on earth, at the banks of the Coco River. To the east the state of Tocantins, to the west the state of Para and its high forests and the Mato Grosso Southwest and its Pantanal, here we are, good start of scenario. Here we are in bungalows, only made of fallen wood, surrounded by geckos who look at us through mosquito nets like at the zoo. Morning departure at sunrise, looking for the wonders of these waters: the giant otter, animal that can measure 2 meters, and play hide-and-seek with the camera. The pink dolphin of Araguaia, new species discovered in 2014, it's good for the ego. Followed by Julia and her aerial blimp at 75 meters marked with the splendid logo Instituto Araguaia, to count and recount the dolphins to the video. Then it's back to the base to enjoy the wonderful cuisine of Divina, and its cakes, under the ever-interested eye of Rosinha, the three-life parrot, fantastico. The nap is a must, in the hammock outside or on the bed. Total decompression before a new start to mark fish, hiking or canoeing before the shower and finally the supreme reward, George’s caipirinha aperitif. Equipped with his story of 6 weeks in the jungle to join the civilization, a hero. Or Silvana’s return from Irkutzk in a Tupolev filled with 900 people, and 4 barjos. Here was the residence of a legend who made 2 TV shows about his life, Manuel Gato, hermit of the twentieth century, unknown to the authorities, but inexhaustible on Cantao. We are confortable in the swing of hammocks, a blanket and other joys.
Here we touch the ecology with a big E, and not our charlatans of ecologists, always ready to want to save the world, but not on the ground, but from their office. Here we walk mechanically not to crush an ant, a step of tango. We say goodbye to our frog who lives in the toilet, who we avoid to flush in the pipe.
Here a family lives in harmony with the environment, trying to understand it, brilliantly, day after day, year after year, to be admitted, without ever traumatizing animals. Researchers from around the world come to do their thesis here, where there is no sound but wifi, and the calm of the Amazon and its wisdom, only disturbed by the sound of water. Here the Jaguar is a dreaded predator, more than our Jaguar V12 biturbo. We did not see everything, tapir, marsh deer, jaguar, giant anteater or other armadillo. But with Nicola, we have become aficionados. We will come back to see you Silvana and George, beautiful duo, surrounded by your entire team, Juarez, Divina, Benaya, Gilldeon, Railton, Vania, or Marquinho. For this work they are much stronger than Neymar junior or Ronaldinho. Thank you for your wonderful welcome, you are wonderful and passionate hosts, bravo. Thank you for making us live all your anecdotes, your different lives. Long live Cantao.
- Nicola & Gille Labourdette